Can I Sleep With My Labrador? – Must Learn This!

The first thing a Labrador needs when they come home is a place to sleep. As a general rule, a Labrador appears happy sleeping anywhere like many other dogs. Perhaps your pet can spend their nights snuggled up with you in your bed.

In most cases, both of these questions answer “yes” when it comes to sleeping with your Labrador. However, there are definitely some things to consider before allowing your new Labrador to become a cuddle buddy in your bed.

Why do people want to have their Labrador sleep with them?

Labrador owners often co-sleep with their dogs or allow them to sleep in their beds. In the case of younger puppies and dogs, allowing them to sleep in the owners’ beds can help them feel more connected and comfortable. It is possible to create a special bond between dog and dog owner by allowing them to sleep in the same bed.

Others find that sleeping with their dog in the same bed as them provides a measure of protection and comfort. Despite their size and breed, all dogs have much more acute senses of hearing and smell than humans, which can be the first line of defense in a dangerous situation.
Dog owners may feel that their pets will have a better feeling of well-being if they share their sleeping area with them, a sign of love and care.

Dog owners in general, and Labrador owners in particular, have many reasons for granting their pets luxuries like sharing a human bed with them.

How does my Labrador feel about sleeping in my bed with me?

Most dog owners cosleep with their pets, according to recent surveys. Hence, most dogs likely enjoy the company of their owners during the night when they are tired and need to rest. If your Labrador or puppy finds comfort lying beside you in bed at night, you can take this as a compliment.

Dogs often demonstrate this comfort level with their humans as a reflection of their trust in the master. Sleeping with their owners is one of the ways dogs display their loyalty, trust, and comfort towards them.
A dog’s bed, as well as his warm body, are likely to remind him of his days in the womb and the comfort he felt when near his mother. As a result, dogs are like humans in that they find comfort in their surroundings.

The fact that your dog doesn’t like sleeping in your bed with you does not mean that the dog doesn’t trust you or feel a special connection with you. Dogs sometimes experience discomfort due to the heat generated by sleeping with their humans or due to the texture or firmness of their beds. Although many dogs enjoy sleeping with their owners, others prefer to sleep independently.

Suppose you feel inclined to invite your Labrador to sleep next to you. In that case, they will probably feel perfectly comfortable joining you in bed. Most dogs feel safe and happy when sleeping next to their owners. Your Labrador might have needs beyond what your soft bed can provide, and you should not be offended if they do not wish to share your bed with you.

Benefits of having your Labrador sleeping in your bed with you:

Beyond developing and deepening the relationship you have with your Labrador or puppy, having your Labrador in your bed has several well-researched and scientifically proven health benefits.

Increased Feelings of Security: The presence of a watchdog or companion at your side can help a dog owner feel more secure while sleeping. According to studies, the majority of dog owners feel more at ease and secure when their dogs sleep in the same bed as them.
Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Scientists have observed that the chemical hormone oxytocin is released when dogs sleep in their beds with puppies or dogs. Among the hormones responsible for feelings of warmth, affection, and love is oxytocin. In addition to boosting feelings of trust, this hormone reduces anxiety and stress.
Better Sleep: Stress reduction and anxiety reduction will naturally improve sleep. Sleeping with a dog or other pet has been shown to reduce insomnia in patients who suffer from the condition. Those with PTSD have been shown to suffer from fewer nightmares while they sleep with their dogs in their beds.
Better Mental Health: Labradors can help reduce loneliness and depression in some people when they sleep with them at night. The combined benefits of these feelings, as well as reduced stress and anxiety, are excellent benefits of this simple gesture intended to improve your bond with your Labrador.
Physical Health benefits: As if better sleep, better mental health, and natural feelings of warmth and joy weren’t enough, sleeping with your dog in your bed might also provide physical health benefits. This includes lowered blood pressure and heart health benefits.
Increased Health for Dog and Dog Owner: Although many of the advantages of co-sleeping with your Labrador are focused on the welfare of the dog owner, many of these benefits also apply to the dog. A dog that sleeps next to its owner benefits from a deep relationship, better sleep, and better health.

Rest assured that there is scientific evidence that proves that allowing your Labrador to sleep with you has many benefits.

Cons of having your Labrador sleeping in your bed with you.

Having your Labrador share your bed when you sleep has several benefits, but you should also consider some drawbacks. When physicians are asked about any potential drawbacks of having your dog sleep in the same bed with you at night, sleep disturbance is one of their primary concerns. Humans are adversely affected by sleep deprivation. Many owners of dogs who share their beds with them claim that their pets disrupt their sleep every now and then.
Dogs that toss and turn or awake in the middle of the night because of noises or other disturbances in your home can have a negative impact on your sleep cycle.

If you’re thinking about sleeping in the same bed with your dog, you should remember that they can transmit illness and parasites. Whether it is fleas, worms, viruses, or bacteria, dogs are often able to spread such things to their owners when they share a bed with them. Ultimately, these disadvantages are not very common problems when it comes to you and the Labrador. In talking about the benefits of sleeping with your Labrador, such possibilities must be considered.

What Alternatives to having your Labrador sleeping in your bed with you?

There are alternative situations that may satisfy both your and your dog’s needs if weighing the benefits and disadvantages of having your dog sleep in the same bed as you.

If you still feel like you should be close to your dog but not in the same bed, then you might consider placing a dog bed in your room so your dog can rest near you comfortably. If you are worried that your dog may jump on your bed or be noisy in the night if allowed to roam, then a crate is a better solution.

It is perfectly acceptable to arrange for your Labrador to sleep outside your bedroom in some other manner if it is too disruptive for your sleep to have your dog in your bedroom.


You should consider all your options when weighing the impact of letting your Labrador sleep with you, especially if you are asking, “Should I let my lab sleep with me?”. Although it is fine for the most part and may even provide some benefits for your dog, allowing them to sleep in your bed with you has to do with your situation and your dog’s temperament.

Marshall Newton

Marshall Newton stands as an authoritative figure in the world of dog care and training, enriched by over 40 years of hands-on experience. His lifelong journey with dogs has seen him own over 20 canines from a diverse range of breeds, making him a versatile expert in the field. Marshall's expertise doesn't stop at general dog care; he's also a specialist when it comes to French Bulldogs. As the founder of "Little French Dog," Marshall provides invaluable advice and resources for both new and seasoned Frenchie owners. Whether it's understanding breed-specific traits or discovering new care tips, Marshall is the go-to resource in the Frenchie community. Interested in learning more? Feel free to connect with Marshall on LinkedIn for a deeper dive into his professional background and a wealth of canine insights.

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