Labrador Kennel Cough- Find Out More!

Kennel cough is a nickname for an infection called tracheobronchitis that is common in dogs. A wide variety of pathogens and viruses can cause this respiratory illness in dogs.

In addition to its severe hacking cough, kennel cough is extremely contagious. The Kennel Cough causes inflammation of the respiratory tract and your Labrador’s windpipe and voice box.

What Causes Kennel Cough In Your Labrador

Bacteria named Bordetella bronchiseptica are commonly found to cause bronchisepticaemia. A variety of viruses or bacteria can cause the disease, sometimes even a mixture of these. Your Labrador can become infected by inhaling these bacteria or pathogens into their respiratory system. Nevertheless, once your Labrador’s immune system has been compromised, he is more susceptible to Bordetella infection, usually through a viral infection.

A few viruses are known to make your Lab vulnerable to kennel cough. Adenoviruses, distemper viruses, herpes viruses, and parainfluenza viruses can be found in dogs.

Symptoms Of Kennel Cough

Dry, hacking coughEye and nasal discharge
Fever and lethargySneezing and snorting
Gagging or vomiting
kennel cough symptoms

Vaccination has made most illnesses less serious than they once were, including canine cough. Your veterinarian can now administer the vaccination into your Labrador’s nose with an applicator instead of an injection as vaccinations have become more accessible. When your Labrador coughs, it will sound like something is stuck in its throat. It may have a mucus-like sound, or it may be dry and thick. A recurrent dry cough usually occurs within three to ten days of exposure.

How Does Your Labrador Get Kennel Cough

Kennel Cough virus is extremely contagious. The disease is known as kennel cough because it is easily spread within a kennel, infecting many dogs. Infection can be spread to your Labrador by particulates expelled from an infected dog, coughing, direct contact with an infected dog, or playing with or using contaminated items.

In addition to being spread when dogs are housed near each other, kennel cough can also spread when your Lab approaches an infected dog while walking in the park or drinking from a dirty water bowl.

Is Kennel Cough Fatal For Dogs?

Although most dogs with kennel cough will recover without difficulty, some dogs may develop life-threatening pneumonia.

Kennel cough complications are more likely to occur in:

An older dog with a compromised immune system or another serious illness (such as heart failure, diabetes, or cancer).
Dogs with various respiratory conditions.
Puppies with insufficient immune systems (especially young puppies not fully immunized)
Pregnant dogs with a reduced immune system
kennel cough vaccine

Visit Your Vet If You Think Your Labrador Has Kennel Cough

When your Lab exhibits a cough that sounds similar to kennel cough, you should see your vet as soon as possible since there is no exact kennel cough test. Your veterinarian will diagnose your dog based on its history and process of elimination. The vet will test your Labrador to rule out other causes of coughing, such as heartworm disease, fungal or parasitic infections, or even cancer.

In the event your Lab has Kennel cough, they typically have exposure in their background, for example, the recently adopted dog from a rescue, pet shop, or breeder, as well as recent visits to a pet boarding house or dog park. Based on the test and the above background, your veterinarian will determine whether they suspect kennel cough.

Treatment Of Kennel Cough

The treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms. There is no need for medication in mild cases because the illness is self-limiting and will pass as a normal cold. Humidifiers can also support your Labrador’s cough.
Oral antibiotics can be used to treat more severe infections, as can cough suppressants. Most infections resolve within two weeks.

If symptoms do not improve, you should re-evaluate your Labrador, and more testing may be required. In some cases, Kennel cough can progress to pneumonia, so it is vital to monitor your Lab and contact your vet if they don’t improve.
If your Labrador is lethargic, refuses to eat, develops breathing problems, or has a persistent nasal discharge or a productive cough, contact your veterinarian immediately.

If you believe your Lab has kennel cough, separate them from other dogs to prevent the disease from spreading.

How Can Kennel Cough Be Prevented

Labradors should be vaccinated against Bordatella if they will be in confined spaces with other animals, such as dog shelters, pet daycares, or dog shows. Most veterinarians recommend immunization once a year or, under certain circumstances, every six months.

Although this vaccine protects against some sources of kennel cough, it does not protect against all of them. The only way to completely avoid kennel cough is to keep your Lab away from all dogs and animals, which is impractical.
You can take steps to help protect your Labrador from kennel cough.

When returning home from dog parks or dog shows where there was a known case of kennel cough, you must disinfect crates, bedding, and food and water bowls. In such instances, you must not allow your Lab to have face-to-face contact with other dogs or allow them to drink from public water bowls.

how long does kennel cough last

Home Remedies for Kennel Cough

For mild cases of kennel cough, there are several at-home treatments available.

Plenty of RestWhen your Lab is recovering from kennel cough, it needs lots of sleep. When your Labrador is recovering from kennel cough, reduce their normal amount of physical activity.
Do Steam TherapyWhile you are taking a hot shower, let your Lab stay in the closed shower room.   The hot shower will provide steam treatment and relief from irritation.
Honey in Warm WaterHoney is also a good home remedy for kennel cough since it can soothe your Lab’s throat and stop it from coughing. Mix half a tablespoon of honey with one tablespoon of warm water in a mug. This can be given 2 – 3 times per day, depending on how heavy your Lab coughs.
HumidifierIf you place a humidifier near your Lab while they sleep, that would be helpful. A humidifier mists the air your Labrador is breathing, which can help alleviate respiratory discomfort.
kennel cough treatment at home

Recovering From Kennel Cough

While your Lab is recovering from kennel cough at home, you should avoid allergens such as cleaning products, tobacco smoke, and dust. Your Labrador may be further irritated, which can slow down the healing process.

Instead of a collar, you should recommend using a harness when taking your Lab outside. The harness would enable you to walk without putting pressure on your Labrador’s neck, which could exacerbate your Labrador’s coughing.

Marshall Newton

Marshall Newton stands as an authoritative figure in the world of dog care and training, enriched by over 40 years of hands-on experience. His lifelong journey with dogs has seen him own over 20 canines from a diverse range of breeds, making him a versatile expert in the field. Marshall's expertise doesn't stop at general dog care; he's also a specialist when it comes to French Bulldogs. As the founder of "Little French Dog," Marshall provides invaluable advice and resources for both new and seasoned Frenchie owners. Whether it's understanding breed-specific traits or discovering new care tips, Marshall is the go-to resource in the Frenchie community. Interested in learning more? Feel free to connect with Marshall on LinkedIn for a deeper dive into his professional background and a wealth of canine insights.

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