My Labrador keeps getting hiccups – Must Learn This!

Especially when they are young, Labradors are prone to getting hiccups. A simple massage can relieve most of the hiccups that Labs experience. Labradors get hiccups when the diaphragm rises, causing them to inhale air as the windpipe closes. It causes hiccups because this way of breathing is unconventional. What causes labs to get hiccups frequently? The following are five common reasons why Labradors hiccup.

Eating or drinking too fast.
Another reason Labradors get hiccups is a result of fast eating. Labs are known to eat very quickly, particularly their favorite foods. They might absorb food and air if they eat rapidly, resulting in hiccups. They might also experience hiccups if they drink too much water.
Intense playing
The reason your Labrador might get hiccups is because of intense play. Every Labrador owner knows how much they enjoy running around and playing. Hiccups aren’t uncommon when a Labrador jumps or runs fast. Due to their high energy levels, this often happens in puppies who love to play and jump around. It’s also possible for labs to get hiccups after playing because they lose a lot of energy simultaneously, so they have to breathe too much too fast to catch up.
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Hypothermia or overeating
Hypothermia and overheating are other common causes of hiccups in Labradors. Labradors will breathe vigorously and take too much air when exposed to direct sunlight or high temperatures, which will cause them to overheat.
Excitement or stress
Last but not least, say that Labradors get hiccups when they are excited or stressed. Labradors typically get hiccups when they are anxious or too excited, according to a 2017 study.
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How To Relieve Your Labrador’s Hiccups

Most Labradors will only experience a few minutes of hiccups, which are not harmful. However, if it continues for a few hours or longer, it may change wheezing sounds and cause irregular breathing. As discussed below, it can relieve your dog’s hiccups in a few simple ways.

Give your Labrador plenty of water.
Labradors and humans alike can get rid of hiccups by drinking water. In other words, if your dog has hiccups, give him clean, fresh water.
Slow down eating
Hiccups have no definitive cause, but some experts believe excessive air caused by eating quickly might cause them. If your Labrador eats too fast, there is a high probability that he will get hiccups. In such situations, a slow eating pace is the best strategy. Purchase a special kibble dish that will prevent your dog from picking up more than one piece at a time. Likewise, if your dog drinks water too quickly, you can get him a bowl that will force him to drink slowly.
Massage your dog
You can also give Labradors a relaxing massage to relieve their hiccups. To relax your Lab’s diaphragm, put him in a comfortable position and massage his chest gently. During massage therapy, hiccups may be relieved.
Avoid foods that cause hiccups.
Additionally, it causes hiccups and pain in the dog’s digestive system. Studies show that Labradors who consume high-grain foods are more likely to experience hiccups. Make sure your dog eats low-grain foods instead. You should avoid feeding your dog grain-rich foods or foods that cause hiccups.
Try rhythm exercises
The best way to stop your Labrador from having hiccups is to perform rhythm exercises with him. The rhythmic activity involves the dog lying on its back and rubbing its belly instead of intense workouts where it jumps and runs all over. Hiccups can be prevented with this activity.
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Do Labradors Get Hiccups A Lot?

In most cases, however, the hiccups will stop after a short period of time. So if it only happens when the Lab eats or plays, and then it goes away after a few minutes, it should not worry you. However, it could indicate that your Labrador has other serious health problems if the hiccup is caused by other issues and lasts for too long. A veterinarian should be consulted in this case.

Why Are Hiccups Common In Puppies Than In Adult Labradors?

You’ve probably noticed that puppies have more hiccups than adult Labs. There are several reasons for this. Due to their smaller snouts, puppies find it difficult to reach the water or food bowl easily. This makes it difficult for them to eat and drink.

Furthermore, puppies are often uncontrollable when it comes to feeding, unlike calm adult Labs. This makes them more prone to gulping their food. As a result, they are more likely to experience hiccups due to eating or drinking too fast.

In addition to their energetic nature, puppies are also prone to getting hiccups due to their high activity levels. A young lab usually jumps and runs all over the house to burn off its high energy. As a result, it is more prone to getting hiccups.

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Do Hiccups Hurt Your Labrador?

In dogs, hiccups are largely harmless and last for a short time. According to some experts, hiccups can relieve gas and irritability in your Labrador. You should be concerned if the hiccups don’t disappear or if you stay longer than a few hours.

Chronic hiccups can change into wheezing sounds because the dog has difficulty breathing during these prolonged episodes. A persistent hiccup could be a symptom of a more serious medical condition such as stress or anxiety. So, if your Lab is experiencing persistent hiccups, you need to take him to the vet for an examination.

When Do Hiccups Become A Health Concern?

In the event that hiccups persist, it becomes a serious concern. A dog’s hiccups lasting longer than two days could indicate a serious health problem that requires immediate medical attention. A vet should be consulted immediately if your pup develops breathing difficulties or feels uncomfortable due to the hiccups.
In addition to hiccups, your Labrador may experience diarrhea, constipation, and loss of appetite if these symptoms accompany the hiccup.

Labradors rarely experience medical emergencies due to hiccups. They should be reported if they last over three hours or are accompanied by fever, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, spitting up blood, vomiting, or throat irritation. In that case, you should visit a vet immediately for a thorough examination.

When To Should I Take My Dog To The Vet Over Hiccups?

You should take your dog to the vet over hiccups if:

  • The hiccups last more than 60 minutes and are accompanied by other symptoms such as fever.
  • The episodes of hiccupping cause breathing issues of any kind, such as sneezing, heavy breathing, or coughing.
  • Your dog tires quickly due to repeated hiccupping.
  • The hiccups cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite, or vomiting.

Suppose the hiccup does not go away within a short time or is accompanied by other health problems such as breathing difficulties, diarrhea, or loss of appetite. In that case, you should consult your vet immediately because this could be a sign of another condition. If your Labrador has hiccups, the vet will conduct a thorough examination to determine if it is normal or a sign of a serious condition that requires treatment.

Marshall Newton

Marshall Newton stands as an authoritative figure in the world of dog care and training, enriched by over 40 years of hands-on experience. His lifelong journey with dogs has seen him own over 20 canines from a diverse range of breeds, making him a versatile expert in the field. Marshall's expertise doesn't stop at general dog care; he's also a specialist when it comes to French Bulldogs. As the founder of "Little French Dog," Marshall provides invaluable advice and resources for both new and seasoned Frenchie owners. Whether it's understanding breed-specific traits or discovering new care tips, Marshall is the go-to resource in the Frenchie community. Interested in learning more? Feel free to connect with Marshall on LinkedIn for a deeper dive into his professional background and a wealth of canine insights.

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