Why Does My Labrador Fart So Much? – Must Learn This!

Labrador Fart

What Makes Lab Farts Smell So Bad? As an owner of a Labrador Retriever, you might have noticed that your dog is farting a lot.

Farts – smelly ones at that – are sure to be a Labrador Retriever thing, but over farting is not unique to this breed. Many breeds of dogs, such as Boxers, Bulldogs, and Pugs, have a reputation for being gassy. In general, dog farts are caused by the same causes as human farts. When we eat, bacteria in our intestinal tract convert the food into nutrients our bodies can use. The digestive process for certain foods releases the stinky gas hydrogen sulphide during this process. Gas becomes trapped in your dog’s body, and only farting can help him get rid of it.

It is also common for Labrador retrievers to eat too quickly, resulting in air accumulating in their bowels.

Food IssuesFart
Eating ScrapsFart
Eating To FastFart
Rotton FoodFart
Some DiseasesFart

What Foods are causing your Labrador retriever to smell?

Labs often experience farting because they have either changed their diet or consumed something that upsets their stomach. A diet high in carbohydrates is bad for Labrador retrievers which is common with manufactured and commercial food types.

Starches and sugars found in carbohydrates cause severe gas, as do fermented foods like broccoli and beans. It is possible for Labrador retrievers to develop food allergies. They cannot digest high-fibre foods or wheat very well, which causes them to produce gas. 

Additionally, lactose intolerance to dairy might have caused them to fart and have diarrhea. Try to ensure that your dog’s food comes from a trusted supplier if you buy it at an affordable price. If your Lab is given a poor quality kibble or moist food, it will likely release copious amounts of gas as a result.

Scraps can make your Labrador Retriever Fart.

Keep scraps away from your lab. Dogs’ stomachs can be irritated by carbohydrates, starches, and sugars in human food. When you feed scraps to your Labrador retriever, those elements are likely to turn his farts into stink clouds.

Should I be worried about my Labrador Retriever Farting?

Generally speaking, Labrador retriever owners don’t have to worry about their dog’s farting. Labrador retrievers have a hard time digesting certain food like all dogs because of their stomach makeup. In addition, they eat rapidly, which causes them to swallow air. This eventually exacerbates their tendency to fart excessively.

While a Labrador retriever exercises regularly and eats a healthy protein diet, constant farting may indicate a serious medical condition. Ask your vet about these things if your Lab is experiencing non-stop gas.

My Labrador Is Fat Does That Make Them Fart?

Walking your dog should really be your priority. Exercise and maintaining a steady weight will keep your dog healthy. However, if they become overweight or obese, they can produce excessive gas.

Eating To Fast Can Cause Your Labrador Retriever To Smell

Eat or drink too quickly, and you take in a lot of extra air, which has to go somewhere. As a result, it will come out as farts, and your Lab will also experience this when wolfing down their food.

Labrador Gas

Rotten Food will cause your Labrador retriever to stink

Food that smells bad. That will definitely be a hit with them. In fact, dogs can be walking trash bins when it comes to this. There are no picky dogs here. Some dogs eat poop, after all. Thus, it does not come as a surprise that your dog might get extremely gassy after eating something that’s been spoiled.

Disease Can Be A Cause Of Your Labrador Retriever Smelling

There are diseases that can cause your Labrador to be gaseous. These include inflammation of the bowel, tumours, parasites, enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, and intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

These items have additional side effects that would let you know if a severe issue is developing, so again, if your dog is suddenly gassy and it doesn’t seem to be food-related, you should take them to the vet for a check-up.

How To Stop Your Labrador retriever From Farting

Top-quality dog food: It is possible to purchase well-balanced, organic dog food or to prepare it yourself.
Dog foods that are rich in fibre:  Fiber facilitates your dog’s digestion and keeps its digestive system in excellent shape. Your dog can have apples, carrots, brown rice, and green beans.
Yogurt: Fortunately, some dogs can tolerate yogurt even if they are lactose intolerant. The live cultures in this product reduce gas due to their ability to aid digestion.
Furthermore: If you have a farting Lab that seems to be overeating and doesn’t seem to be sick. Treat them to some charcoal treats and get their digestive tract in order.
Slow Feeding Bowl: A slow feeder is a necessity if your dog consumes food at an alarming rate. Slow feeding dog bowls can be extremely effective, not only for dogs who eat quickly but for any dog!
In animals, chewing food and slowing it down greatly improves digestion, reducing bloat, gas, regurgitation, and overall intestinal health.

Changing Your Labrador Retrievers Diet

Are you planning to feed your Lab a special diet? This process must be done gradually because dogs’ digestive tracts are sensitive and require time to adapt. By gradually removing the old food from their meals, you will be able to replace it with their new food.

Give new foods and diets a few weeks before deciding whether they are effective. This will allow them to adjust properly. If the problem gets more serious, the previous diet should be resumed. Consult your veterinarian if the problem persists or gets more severe.

Be Mindfull When Serving Human Food

Yes, Labrador Retrievers can eat human food as well. However, it is imperative to be cautious about what you feed your dog. Some table foods are harmful to Labs, and some are not.

In addition, as we have previously discussed, you shouldn’t give your Lab table scraps. Rather, feed your Labrador retriever natural foods or purchase them at a pet store.

You can feed your Labs human foods such as lean meat, bananas, apples, pears, blueberries, and cantaloupes, as well as vegetables like eggplant, cabbage, and carrots. For the sake of your Labrador retriever (and for your own sake), ensure that it is fed easy-to-digest food to avoid flatulence and stinky farts.

Medications For Stop Your Labrador Retriever Farting

If you think the problem is severe enough, several medications may be able to help. Carminatives are among the most commonly prescribed drugs for dogs to relieve gas. The following are some other possible medications, but you must consult your veterinarian before using any of these.

Zinc AcetateYucca Schidigera
Dry Activated CharcoalBismuth Subsalicylate
SimethiconePancreatic enzyme Supplements


At the end of the day, you’re not going to completely prevent your Labrador retriever from gassing out the room. Hopefully, after reading this article, you have some ideas and strategies that can help you reduce the potency of that amount of gas.

Soon you will be able to have visitors over without getting strange looks and being blamed for the dog.

Marshall Newton

Marshall Newton stands as an authoritative figure in the world of dog care and training, enriched by over 40 years of hands-on experience. His lifelong journey with dogs has seen him own over 20 canines from a diverse range of breeds, making him a versatile expert in the field. Marshall's expertise doesn't stop at general dog care; he's also a specialist when it comes to French Bulldogs. As the founder of "Little French Dog," Marshall provides invaluable advice and resources for both new and seasoned Frenchie owners. Whether it's understanding breed-specific traits or discovering new care tips, Marshall is the go-to resource in the Frenchie community. Interested in learning more? Feel free to connect with Marshall on LinkedIn for a deeper dive into his professional background and a wealth of canine insights.

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